Expert evidence

  • Folbigg Inquiry a watershed moment for medical evidence in Australian criminal law

    27th Apr 2023

    Alongside counterpart UK cases, the Inquiry into the conviction of Kathleen Folbigg for offences involving the deaths of her four children is a defining moment in the coming of age of genetics and genomic testing in the judicial system argues Dr Ken Maclean, a clinical geneticist and author of ‘Genomics and Causation’, published in the March–April 2023 edition of Precedent, the bi-monthly journal of the Australian Lawyers Alliance (ALA).

  • Avoid autopilot when using expert evidence

    18th Feb 2021

    Having a solid understanding of expert evidence law and the common law rules is a powerful weapon for a litigator. Anna Morgan provides an overview of the rules of expert evidence, discusses recent cases where expert opinion evidence was rejected, and offers tips on using expert evidence effectively.

  • Expert evidence: Traffic accident reconstruction reports and physical observations

    16th Oct 2018

    David Cormack discusses the decision and reasoning in the recent case of Brown v Daniels & Anor [2018] QSC 209.