Regional Ambassadors

ALA Regional Ambassadors

The Australian Lawyers Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of its Regional Ambassador initiative, in recognition of the 30 per cent of our members who live and work in regional or outer metropolitan areas.

As part of our ongoing efforts to foster a strong sense of community, and the particular importance of community in regional areas, we’re seeking nominations for Regional Ambassadors from members in all states and territories. 

ALA Regional Ambassadors will act as representatives of both the ALA and their regions, engaging and speaking with us on matters that are of particular regional importance to them and their colleagues. 

Regional Ambassadors will form an integral part of our nationwide network, receive direct assistance from our staff and be the go-to point of contact for engagement with the ALA in each area.

Candidates for nomination should: 

  • Live and/or work in a regional area, or in some cases, outer metropolitan area (if you're in doubt, ask us!);
  • Be committed to acting as the ALA's ‘voice on the ground’ in your region; and
  • Be willing to liaise with their Branch Committee to discuss issues of regional significance

It is not necessary for the Ambassador to be a member of their State Committee, although they are welcome to be so.

Locations and the number of ALA Regional Ambassadors will be determined according to both level of interest in geographical areas and the number of members in that area.

If you're interested, or know of another member who would be an excellent Regional Ambassador, submit your nomination by email at or call 02 9258 7700 to speak to the ALA’s membership team.

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