Human rights

Human rights are inalienable and universal. They are based in centuries of common law and widespread international consensus.

After World War II, human rights became a priority for international law. This was revolutionary. Previously, a body of law that restricted its interest to relations between countries, international law, moved to regulating relations between governments and their people. The War had shown law-makers the horrors of what could happen if the powers of governments were not kept in check. Australia was at the forefront of these developments, as one of only eight countries involved in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Since this time, human rights have become well recognised as essential benchmarks for decency. Human rights treaties, and mechanisms to monitor their enforcement, have proliferated internationally, and it is well accepted that respecting human rights is good, both for individuals and their governments.

Human rights protect human dignity. They ensure that we are all treated fairly and, where we are not, that remedies are available. Remedies might include, an apology, release from detention, rehabilitation, or a combination of these. Remedies seek to put the person in the position that they would have been had their rights not been violated, to the greatest extent possible, and also create a disincentive to violating rights in the future.

Lawyers help individuals to protect their human rights by bringing complaints of government misconduct before the courts or other bodies.

Australian Lawyers Alliance (ALA) members regularly act to protect human rights. Whether they are acting for someone who has been injured in a car accident, unfairly detained, discriminated against or accused of a crime, they are fighting to protect peoples’ dignity, and seek justice for wrongdoing. However, without a Human Rights Act in Australia, most human rights remain largely unenforceable, and remedies for their breach unavailable. We are flouting centuries of legal traditions, as well as the international law that we were instrumental in drafting and have agreed to be bound by.

The ALA takes every opportunity we can to promote and protect human rights. We regularly contribute to parliamentary inquiries and participate in public debate to promote and enhance human rights protections. We appear before Parliamentary Committees and meet with Parliamentarians to voice our concerns. In 2023, ahead of Human Rights Day we launched a policy position paper on the need for a Federal Human Rights Act in Australia.

It is a difficult battle, but we will never give up fighting for your rights.

Below is an overview listing of our human rights-related submissions to date:

Submission To Date
Open letter – Getting youth justice right (Youth Justice Bill 2024) The Victorian Government 1 July 2024
Independent Review of Queensland’s Human Rights Act 2019 Professor Susan Harris Rimmer and the Review team 21 June 2024
Community safety in regional and rural communities Committee on Law and Safety, Legislative Assembly, Parliament of NSW 31 May 2024
Migration Amendment (Removal and Other Measures) Bill 2024 (Cth)

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Parliament of Australia


12 April 2024
NDIS participant experience in rural, regional and remote Australia Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Parliament of Australia 23 February 2024
Exposure Draft: Aged Care Bill 2023 (Cth) Department of Health and Aged Care, Australian Government 16 February 2024
A framework for Voluntary Assisted Dying in the Northern Territory

Expert Advisory Panel, Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet, Northern Territory Government

16 February 2024
Inquiry into the potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia Social Development Committee, Parliament of South Australia 14 February 2024

Human Rights Commission Amendment (Costs Protection) Bill 2023

Power To Prevent Coalition submission, to which the ALA is a signatory (9 January 2024)

Hearing testimony from Shaun Marcus (31 January 2024), pp.14-19

Questions on notice correspondence (5 February 2024)

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


22 December 2023
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023 (ACT)

Select Committee on the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, ACT Legislative Assembly


8 December 2023
Open letter – Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Australia Parliament of Australia 6 December 2023
A federal Human Rights Act: The case for a legislative human rights instrument in Australia ALA policy paper 6 December 2023
Power2Prevent joint statement: A huge step forward in access to justice in discrimination claims The Commonwealth Government 5 December 2023
Legalising Cannabis Bill 2023

Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs

Final report

2 November 2023
Victims of Crime Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

Community Support and Services Committee, Queensland Parliament


26 October 2023
Criminal Law (Coercive Control and Affirmative Consent) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

Legal Affairs and Safety Committee, Queensland Parliament


24 October 2023
Disability Inclusion Bill 2023 (ACT) Ms Suzanne Orr MLA, ACT Government Whip and Member for Yerrabi 20 October 2023
Review of the Counter-Terrorism and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (Cth)

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security


5 October 2023

Inquiry into a Process to Review Bills for their Impact on First Nations Territorians

Hearing testimony from Cathy Spurr, pp.17-20

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory


28 September 2023
Open letter on whistleblower protections The Prime Minister, Attorney-General and Ministers for Defence and the Public Service 13 September 2023
Foundations of a New Aged Care Act The Department of Health and Aged Care, Australian Government 7 September 2023
Guidelines for appointments to the Australian Human Rights Commission Federal Attorney-General's Department 22 August 2023

Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023

Federal Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts 21 August 2023

An inquiry into the options available to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse in Western Australia who are seeking justice

Hearing testimony from Graham Droppert SC, Eleanor Scarff and Sara Connor-Stead

WA Parliament Community Development and Justice Standing Committee


17 August 2023
Inquiry into Australia's Human Rights Framework

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights


30 June 2023
Justice (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety


5 June 2023
The independent review of compulsory treatment criteria and alignment of decision-making laws Independent Review Panel (Victorian Government) 2 June 2023
Veterans’ Legislation Reform Consultation Pathway The Department of Veterans' Affairs 11 May 2023
Improving Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2023

Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs


3 May 2023
Decriminalising Personal Drug Use Bill 2023 (Tas) Dr Rosalie Woodruff, MP for Franklin 3 May 2023
Legalisation of medicinal cannabis SA Parliament Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis 27 April 2023
Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023

Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum


21 April 2023
Inquiry into Tasmanian Adult Imprisonment and Youth Detention Matters Tasmanian Legislative Council Sessional Committee Government Administration B 17 April 2023
Consultation: Review into an appropriate cost model for Commonwealth antidiscrimination laws Federal Attorney-General's Department 11 April 2023
Voluntary Assisted Dying

ACT Government


5 April 2023
Government response to the Privacy Act Review Report 2023

Federal Attorney-General's Department


28 March 2023
Path to Treaty Bill 2023, joint submission with ANTAR and ANTaR Queensland

Queensland Parliament Community Support and Services Committee


23 March 2023
Open letter: Reform of Australia’s discriminatory migration health laws Federal Parliament 21 March 2023
Tasmanian national preventive mechanism Implementation project Consultation paper 1 Tasmanian Government 16 March 2023
Strengthening Community Safety Bill 2023

Queensland Parliament Economics and Governance Committee


23 February 2023
Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws

The Australian Law Reform Commission

Background Paper 1: International Comparisons (November 2023)

Background Paper 2: What We Heard (November 2023)

Final report

23 February 2023
Open letter: Concerns about NSW anti-protest laws and jailing of climate activist New South Wales Government 13 December 2022
Open letter: Proposing a Human Rights Law for South Australia South Australian Government 9 December 2022

Missing and murdered First Nations women and children

Joint ANTAR & ALA submission 24 Nov 2022

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee 10 November 2022
Joint statement of concern regarding suspension of UN Subcommittee on Torture visit to Australia Federal, State and Territory Governments 24 October 2022

Inquiry into the decriminalisation of certain public offences, and health and welfare responses

Hearing testimony by Greg Barns SC representing the ALA (pp.22-25)

Community Support and Services
Committee (Queensland)


22 August 2022
Inquiry into access to services and information in Auslan

ACT Legislative Assembly’s Education and Community Inclusion Committee


28 July 2022
Domestic Application of the UNDRIP

The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee


22 June 2022
Inquiry into the Esther Foundation and unregulated private health facilities

Parliament of Western Australia
Education and Health Standing Committee


Government response

2 June 2022

ALA Federal Election 2022 Survey Report

ALA Survey Report 19 May 2022

Inquiry into the Road Transport Amendment (Medicinal Cannabis - Exemptions from Offences) Bill 2021

Hearing Testimony by Greg Barns SC representing the ALA, 16 June 2022 (pp.31-37)

New South Wales Legislative Council Standing Committee on Law and Justice


29 April 2022
Open letter calling for action to protect the right of people living with disability to vote The Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition 21 April 2022

Police Offences Amendment (Workplace Protection) Bill 2022

Tasmanian Department of Justice 20 April 2022

Inquiry into Petition 32-21 (No Rights Without Remedy)

ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety


7 April 2022

Reforming Tasmania's youth justice system

Department of Communities Tasmania 2 March 2022
Amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 2016 (Qld) Office of Industrial Relations, Queensland 25 February 2022

Review of Queensland's Anti-Discrimination Act

Discussion Paper

Queensland Human Rights Commission


February 2022
"Do not enter!" Balancing and protecting human rights in a health crisis ALA Policy Report 9 December 2021
Religious Discrimination Bill 2021; Religious Discrimination (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021 and Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 [Provisions]

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee


8 December 2021

Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 and related bills

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights


7 December 2021
Review of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA) – Response to Project 111 Discussion Paper Law Reform Commission of Western Australia 6 December 2021

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021

NSW Legislative Council Standing Committee on Law and Justice 18 November 2021

Inspector of Detention Services Bill 2021

Annexure: Sisters Inside Submission on the QLD Inspector of Detention Services Bill 2021

Queensland Parliament Legal and Safety Committee review of the Inspector of Detention Services Bill 18 November 2021
Working with Children (Indigenous Communities) Amendment Bill 2021 Queensland Parliament Legal Affairs and Safety Committee 16 November 2021

The Criminal Law (Raising the Age of Responsibility) Amendment Bill 2021

Queensland Parliament Community Support and Services Committee 8 October 2021
Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Amendment Bill 2021 Tasmanian Department of Justice 20 September 2021
OPCAT Implementation Bill 2021 Office of Strategic Legislation and Policy, Department of Justice 15 September 2021

Inquiry into health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote New South Wales

Submission partially redacted for confidentiality.

Testimony from Catherine Henry on behalf of the ALA on 3 December 2021 (pp.10-16)

Portfolio Committee No. 2 – Health, Parliament of NSW


1 February 2021
Human Rights and Technology Discussion Paper Australian Human Rights Commission 4 March 2020
Religious freedom reforms Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department 27 September 2019
Free and equal: An Australian conversation on human rights Australian Human Rights Commission 23 August 2019
Press freedom: the adequacy of Commonwealth laws and frameworks covering the disclosure and reporting of sensitive and classified information

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications


16 August 2019
Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Repairing Medical Transfers) Bill 2019

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Parliament of Australia


12 August 2019

Queensland Human Rights Bill 2018

Subsequent appearance at public hearing in Brisbane on 4 December 2018. (Dr Louis Schetzer can be read from p54.)

Queensland Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee


22 November 2018
Notice of intention to consider refusal under section 501 of the Migration Act to refuse visa to Chelsea Manning The Hon David Coleman MP 30 August 2018
OPCAT in Australia. Consultation Paper: Stage 2

Australian Human Rights Commission


27 August 2018
Inquiry into the Modern Slavery Bill 2018

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee


19 July 2018
Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Bill 2017

Senate Standing Committees on Economics


23 February 2018
Australia's Compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR): Australian NGO Coalition Submission to the Human Rights Committee

United Nations Human Rights Committee

Concluding Observations

September 2017
Australian Border Force Amendment (Protected Information) Bill 2017

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


28 August 2017

Australian Citizenship Legislation Amendment (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017

And subsequent appearance at public hearing, on 23 August 2017. (Dr Andrew Morrison and Anna Talbot, ALA Legal and Policy Adviser, can be read from p40.)

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee


21 July 2017

The Future of Public Interest Journalism

And subsequent appearance at public hearing, on 23 November 2017. (Dr Andrew Morrison and Anna Talbot, ALA Legal and Policy Adviser, can be read from p7.)

Senate Select Committee on Public Interest Journalism


15 June 2017
Open letter calling for Australia's ratification of the Optional Protocol to the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (signed with Australian Lawyers for Human Rights and other civil society organisations) Senator the Hon George Brandis QC and the Hon Julie Bishop MP 5 May 2017
Letter to the A-G advocating for a Queensland Human Rights Act Queensland Attorney General 5 May 2017
Australia: review of fifth periodic report

United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Concluding Observations

5 May 2017
Inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia

Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade


3 May 2017

Review of ASIO's questioning and detention powers

And subsequent appearance at public hearing, on 16 June 2017. (Anna Talbot, ALA Legal and Policy Adviser, can be read from p17.)

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security 26 April 2017
Women in Combat Duties - Reservation Withdrawal

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties


20 April 2017

Design, scope, cost-benefit analysis, contracts awarded and implementation associated with the Better Management of the Social Welfare System initiative ('Robodebt')

And subsequent appearance at public hearing, on 18 May 2017. (Greg Barns and Anna Talbot can be read from p16.)

Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs


19 April 2017
Racial Discrimination Amendment Bill 2016

Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs


12 April 2017

Inquiry into whistleblower protections in the corporate, public and not-for-profit sectors (redacted)

Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services


10 February 2017

Inquiry into Migrant Settlement Outcomes

Appendix (Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants' End of Mission to Australia Statement)

Joint Standing Committee on Migration


31 January 2017
Access to telecommunications data in civil proceedings: Response to Consultation Paper circulated by the Attorney-General’s Department and the Department of Communication and the Arts

Attorney General's Department and the Department of Communications and the Arts


27 January 2017

Inquiry into the freedom of speech in Australia

And subsequent appearance at public hearing, on 1 February 2017. (Anna Talbot, ALA Legal and Policy Adviser, can be read from p27.)

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights 9 December 2016
Review into Victoria's Police oversight system Integrity Reform Team, Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet 8 December 2016
Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2016 [Provisions] Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs 14 November 2016

Serious allegations of abuse, self-harm and neglect of asylum seekers in relation to the Nauru Regional Processing Centre, and any like allegations in relation to the Manus Regional Processing Centre

Appendix 1 and Appendix 2

And ALA's subsequent appearance before the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, on 15 November 2016.

Supplementary submission:

Risk of child sexual abuse in offshore immigration detention (submitted on 16 March 2017)

Appendix to supplementary submission

Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs 7 November 2016
Joint Submission for the United Kingdom's Universal Periodic Review in 2017 United Nations Human Rights Council September 2016
Indefinite detention of people with cognitive and psychiatric impairment

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs


8 April 2016
A Human Rights Act for Queensland Queensland Parliament Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee April 2016

Vilification laws in NSW

NSW Department of Justice 8 January 2016
The Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill 2015 (Cth): The dangers of unchecked ministerial power Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill 2015 16 July 2015
The Commonwealth has a duty of care in offshore detention centres Select Committee on the Recent Allegations relating to Conditions and Circumstances at the Regional Processing Centre in Nauru, Inquiry into the responsibilities of the Commonwealth Government in connection with the management and operation of the Regional Processing Centre in Nauru 27 April 2015
A proposed process for the introduction of a Charter of Rights in Queensland Correspondence to the QLD Premier, the Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuck 25 March 2015
Towards regulation of medicinal cannabis: The importance of providing access to treatment for chronically ill Australians Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Inquiry into the Regulator of Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2014 (Cth) 13 March 2015

Rights and responsibilities 2014: Property rights and unlawful detention

Australian Human Rights Commission, Inquiry into Rights and Responsibilities 2014 19 December 2014

Human rights and Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory

Appendix A - Australian Lawyers Alliance submission on the legislation (2012)

Appendix B - Correspondence to the UN special rapporteurs on the legislation (released under FOI laws to the Australian Lawyers Alliance)

Appendix C - Assessment of non-compliance with human rights (2012)

Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, Inquiry into the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory legislation 10 October 2014

The Foreign Fighters Bill

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Inquiring into the Counter-Terrorism Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill 2014 (Cth)

3 October 2014

National security legislation: the need for further accountability

And appearance at public hearing on 18 August 2014.

Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence and Security, Inquiry into the National Security Legislation Amendment (No. 1) Bill 2014 (Cth) 6 August 2014

United Nations Human Rights Committee Communication No. 1885/2009 (Horvath v Australia)

Victorian Parliament 24 July 2014

Redress and remedy: the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT) Payment Scheme is not the answer

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs, Inquiry into Business Services Wage Assessment Tool Payment Scheme Bill 2014 and Business Services Wage Assessment Tool Payment Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2014 23 July 2014

Redress and remedy: the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT) Payment Scheme is not the answer

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs, Inquiry into Business Services Wage Assessment Tool Payment Scheme Bill 2014 and Business Services Wage Assessment Tool Payment Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2014 23 July 2014
The incident at Manus Island

And appearance at public hearing on 13 June 2014. Further detail can be seen here.
Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Inquiry into the incident at Manus Island 5 May 2014

Proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act

Attorney-General's Department

30 April 2014

Crime and Misconduct and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 (QLD)

Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee (QLD) 11 April 2014
Where waters meet: The breach of Indonesian waters and the need for a review of Australia's aggressive maritime policy Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee, Inquiry into the breach of Indonesian territorial waters 20 March 2014

Migration Amendment (Regaining Control Over Australia’s Protection Obligations) Bill 2013 (Cth)

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Regaining Control Over Australia’s Protection Obligations) Bill 2013 (Cth) 23 January 2014

Migration Amendment Bill [Provisions] 2013 (Cth)

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Inquiry into Migration Amendment Bill [Provisions] 2013 (Cth) 16 January 2014

Inquiry into sentencing in the ACT

ACT Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety, Inquiry into sentencing in the ACT 26 September 2013
ALA a signatory to CLC NSW Urgent appeal re the introduction of the Victims Rights and Support Bill 2013 in NSW Ms Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women 17 May 2013

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Older Persons (Age discrimination and elder abuse)

International Federation of Ageing 15 May 2013
Racial vilification in NSW NSW Law and Justice Committee, Inquiry into racial vilification law in NSW 7 March 2013

ALA submissions in response to the inquiry into same sex marriage in NSW

NSW Social Issues Committee, Inquiry into same sex marriage law in NSW 1 March 2013

The NDIS Rules: The missing core of the scheme

NDIS Secretariat, Consultation of the National Disability Insurance
Scheme Rules Consultation Paper
March 2013
NSW Disability Services Act review NSW Government, Disability Services Act review 23 February 2013

The National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012 (Cth): Towards a better scheme - certainty, accountability, empowerment, sustainability

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs Inquiry
into the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012 (Cth)
January 2013
Health care of asylum seekers: Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing and Other Measures) Bill 2012 (Cth) Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee 18 October 2012

The Australian Lawyers Alliance signed the Open letter to the NSW Attorney-General, Victims Compensation Vital for Victims

Open letter to the NSW Attorney-General regarding proposed changes to NSW victims' compensation 25 September 2012

The right to silence

Department of Attorney General and Justice, Inquiry into Evidence Amendment (Evidence of Silence) Bill 2012 (NSW) September 2012

Eligibility and reasonable and necessary support

Select Council on Disability Reform’s draft descriptions of ‘Eligibility and
reasonable and necessary support’ within the National Disability Insurance
September 2012

Fishing communities and maritime powers, where poverty meets policy: Maritime Powers Bill 2012 (Cth)

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Inquiry into the Maritime Powers Bill 2012 (Cth) 31 August 2012

Human trafficking in NSW: Inquiry into the exploitation of women through trafficking

NSW Community Relations Commission, Inquiry into the exploitation of women through trafficking August 2012

Asylum seekers in Australia: Towards a regional approach to asylum seekers and people smuggling

Addendum to ALA submission (re relevance of Montara oil spill to the issue)

Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers 19 July 2012

Human trafficking and a human rights response: Assessing recent legislative amendments

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Inquiry into
the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Bill 2012 (Cth)
July 2012

Detention of Indonesian minors

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Inquiry into the detention of Indonesian minors in Australia 5 June 2012

Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (National Children's Commissioner) Bill 2012 (Cth)

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Inquiry into Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (National Children's Commissioner) Bill 2012 (Cth) 31 May 2012

Marriage equality: Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2011 (Cth); Marriage Amendment Bill 2011 (Cth)

House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs 19 April 2012

Migration Amendment (Removal of Mandatory Minimum Penalties) Bill 2012 (Cth)

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Removal of Mandatory Minimum Penalties) Bill 2012 (Cth) 5 March 2012

Age determination of minors - the need for procedural fairness

Australian Human Rights Commission, Inquiry into the treatment of individuals suspected of people smuggling offences who say that they are children 3 February 2012

Protect the child: Essential provisions to ensure procedural fairness: Crimes Amendment (Fairness for Minors) Bill 2011 (Cth)

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee 31 January 2012

Understanding complexities: People smuggling, deterrence and intersection with Australia's maritime regulation: Deterring People Smuggling Bill 2011 (Cth)

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee 10 November 2011
The Australia - Malaysia Agreement Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee 14 September 2011

Considering the Howells report: The need for greater protections on migrant workers: 'Report of the 2010 Review of the Migration Amendment (Employer Sanctions) Act 2007 (Cth)'

Department of Immigration and Citizenship 7 September 2011

Australia's immigration detention network

Joint Select Committee on Australia's Immigration Detention Network 12 August 2011