
2023 Review of the Operation of the Queensland Workers' Compensation Scheme

14th Mar 2023



The ALA’s Queensland Branch Committee has made a submission to the Workers' Compensation Regulatory Services’ 2023 Review of the Operation of the Queensland Workers' Compensation Scheme (the Review).

The ALA believes that the Queensland Workers' Compensation Scheme is achieving its aim of balancing fair and appropriate benefits for injured workers and ensuring reasonable costs for employers.

The ALA’s submission responds thematically to the data, issues and questions presented in the Review’s Information Paper, including in relation to the architecture of Queensland’s scheme, claims experience, rehabilitation and return to work matters, dispute resolution, monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (Qld), and the changing nature of work (especially the emergence and rapid growth of the gig economy).

Members of the ALA’s Queensland Branch Committee also recently met with those undertaking the Review to discuss the matters raised in our submission and the ALA’s recommendations for improvements to Queensland’s Workers' Compensation Scheme.

ALA submission